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Blog Category // Data Center

Server Room vs Data Center: Which is Best for Your Business?

Early in the wave of the development of the Internet, corporate data servers were typically located on-premises, and every ...

Virtual Servers vs. Physical Servers: Which Is Best For Your Business?

Organizations need secure, reliable, and high-performance processing and storage solutions for their applications and data. ...

7 Common Server Room Problems for Businesses to Consider

Sometimes it takes a server room disaster to prompt data management changes in an organization. It is undoubtedly preferable ...

Dedicated vs. Cloud: How Much Does a Server Cost?

How much does a server cost? You want the best solution for your business, but you’re working within a budget. In short, you ...

Mastering the Data Center Selection Process: 9 Essential Tips for Success

Information is the world's most important commodity. And typically, information is stored as data somewhere on the Internet.

Backup Breakdown: Unveiling the Pros and Cons of Full vs. Incremental vs. Differential Backups

An accidental loss of data assets can have a devastating impact on your business. Boston Consulting reports that 93 percent ...

Hybrid Cloud Integration: 5 Steps to a Successful Transition

Eighty-two percent of IT leaders are relying on hybrid cloud solutions as of 2022. Unlocking the potential of the cloud ...

The 4 Most Common Data Center Migration Challenges (and How to Conquer Them)

How do you migrate to a data center without your worst-case scenario coming true?

6 Benefits of Colocation Services for Modern Businesses

Speed is an advantage in business. The faster you can act, the more agile you can be, the better. This is particularly true ...

The Top Data Centers in the United States

In today’s changing times, the way information is relayed, extracted, and communicated is even more vital. The demand for ...